Our Mission
The mission of the Emerald Theatre Company is to produce quality and relevant works dealing with sometimes controversial issues that would not ordinarily be produced by conventional theaters in the Memphis area. At times, we focus on the realities faced by the LGBTQ+ communities. We produce professional and previously-unpublished works. Play submissions are always welcomed.
Our History

ETC founder, Den-Nickolas Schaeffer-Smith always dreamed of creating a theatre company. He started with Lollipop Guild Productions. Once it was decided to start producing on a regular basis, the decision was made to change the name to conform to the image of a serious theatre company. He was offered the opportunity to become a resident company at THEATREWORKS in Memphis, Tennessee, and with that Emerald Theatre Company was launched. Early on the journey Den met Hal Harmon who quickly became Den’s best friend and joined ETC as Co-Artistic Director. As their friendship grew, so did their common goal for producing productions that gave a voice to the LGBTQ community. Over their years of residency at THEATREWORKS at the SQUARE, Den & Hal have produced over 90 productions. Many of them have been Mid-South premieres. Now in their 28th year of residency they are no longer the "taboo" theater company and have established themselves as one of the longer running residency companies at THEATREWORKS @ the Square. As their reputation grows and new traditions are brought to fruition, Den and Hal continue to commit themselves to providing their loyal patrons memorable, comedic and thought provoking productions.
Emerald Theatre Company
2085 Monroe Ave., Memphis, TN 38104
2085 Monroe Ave., Memphis, TN 38104